A fair and square PEG

Anti-vaxers like to get all heated up over the notion that there is antifreeze in vaccines. Actually, this is not true: there is a precipitating agent in many vaccines called polyethylene glycol (PEG), which only bears a passing resemblance to ethylene glycol, aka antifreeze. PEG can be found in a variety of household and medicinal substances, such as toothpaste, laxatives and skin creams.

Interestingly enough, though, PEG not only has very low toxicity upon ingestion, it may even help repair cell membranes after traumatic brain injuries :

PEG eliminates the amyloid precursor protein (APP) that builds up as a result of traumatic axonal brain injuries. When this protein begins to accumulate, cells begin to die.

Not only does research find PEG benefiting brain injuries, but studies have also shown that it has helped repair nerve membranes after spinal cord injuries in guinea pigs. While PEG has been tested on animals up to this point, a good deal of the research has promising human application.

Take that and stick in your pipes, anti-vaxers. 😀

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