OK, this is just plain hilarious…

Get thee over to The Imperfect Parent (a wonderful name for a parenting website, BTW) and read Don’t Even Bother: The Case Against Childbirth Preparation Classes by Kelly Cunningham.

I actually don’t have anything against childbirth preparation classes per se . I took lessons in the Bradley Method with a very nice woman, and if you’re clueless about the process and physiology of birth, such classes are very helpful (though my instructor figured I’d had enough of a background, what with med school and all). As for giving an idea of what the pain is like and how to cope with it – meh. It helped to a degree up to 4cm dilation or so.

My husband is reading over my shoulder, watching this post being formed. His comment: “Dont forget to tell them how we learned all about labor massage, but when push came to shove (pun intended), you just kept on screaming “Don’t touch me!””

How come I don’t remember that? 😛

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