
My husband is having a bout of back pain. We’re a little worried about it, as this is the first episode of serious pain he’s had since his spinal surgery for a badly slipped lumbar disc 2.5 years ago. The very fact he’s agreed to see a doctor (in a professional capacity, that is) is unusual for him, but he’ll be seeing the back specialist on Monday.

The kids were quick to pick up on there being something wrong with Abba (Daddy in Hebrew). My eldest – the one who was mostly formula-fed, Ferberized, was born by C-section, yadda yadda, decided to make him feel better by leaving this handmade card on his pillow tonight:

The Hebrew part is a passage from the Jewish morning prayers – “Blessed are you, our God, who makes the bent ones straight”. (Those of you who can read it in the original, yes his Hebrew spelling could use a wee bit of work. Deal with it).

I went upstairs to hug and kiss him for his caring attitude. His verbatim response: “Eema, I appreciate the sentiment, but not the kiss!”.

(Throwing up my hands) Preteens!

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